Mentor Training Products
Our 2 award-winning products for training mentors: a DVD and an e-learning programme.
Mentoring Skills DVD
- ‘One of the most highly rated videos ever produced about mentoring. This excellent video comes with a trainer’s guide.’ For a thorough review by mentoring expert Rey Carr, see his review at
- Training Media Review, a respected US-based independent review site, recently gave our DVD an ‘Outstanding’ rating. It is now one of their top ten training products: ‘Mentoring Skills does not tell you how to make a mentor-partner relationship work. It shows you how. This is powerful training.’
- Chapter headings
- Video clips (play youtube clips within this page)
- The mentoring skills DVD features John Lorriman, who is a highly experienced mentor and has published books on mentoring such as:“Continuing Professional Development: A Practical Approach”.
- See customer testimonials on our products
- Download the Mentoring Skills DVD product summary
Who made it?
Our consultant, Richard Naish, designed and led the team to develop the Mentoring Skills DVD. Clients have used it to successfully train hundreds of mentors in the skills of mentoring.
Richard was previously head of management development programmes in KPMG Asia Pacific, where he ran programmes that set up mentoring relationships in the organisation. He writes regular articles and publishes white papers on mentoring, such as using the internet for mentoring and How to set up a mentoring programme. Richard also coaches/mentors senior leaders using 360 degree feedback. Contact us for more information and advice.