
We specialise in providing e-learning consultancy to the professional services sector.

All professionals need to keep their skills and knowledge up-to-date by a constant programme of Continuing Professional Development (CPD).

We specialise in helping professional organisations design and deliver this CPD using e-learning and immersive learning simulations.



Worked with PIXELearning to design an audit process training simulation for a ‘Big 4’ Accountancy firm in the US for about 2000 learners annually. It supports face-to-face instruction to give employees authentic ‘virtual experience’ of a real client audit engagement. This was part of an ASTD Best Practice award winning training programme, based on overall return on investment.


Designed and implemented a 2-hour online training programme for mentors for a professional engineering institution with 150,000 members. The training included games and video clips of example mentor-mentee discussions and the skills involved in the mentoring process.


Led a team of 15 instructional designers on the Department of Health project to create 30 hours of web-based learning material for doctors and coroners to support the UK government’s reform of the death certification. The material included animations, video, audio and assessment.


Also part of the e-Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare project which was awarded first prize in the e-Government 2010 awards, for Excellence in Learning and Skills. The judges were impressed that ‘this improved training is saving the NHS £7.9m a year’. The Prime Minister said “You have put Britain at the forefront of e-government delivery in the world. We have the technology and skills, we have the innovation and crucially we have the people.”

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A member of the E-Learning Network